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Doula Talk: “We’re not opposed to that, but can it wait?”

  • 1032 Redondo Avenue Long Beach, CA, 90804 United States (map)

Join us for a casual morning munch and meet for this 2 hour doula workshop where we discuss strategies for doulas to empower clients to make healthcare decisions - without pissing in the pool you’re swimming in! We will be providing bagels and coffee for this event.

Cost is $40.

This event is open to all doulas in southern California. Hosted by Elizabeth of Looma Birth and Taba. Taba uses the advocacy skills developed as an attorney to help moms navigate the hospital experience as a doula in Long Beach. She’s happy to report that most potential pitfalls for informed consent and refusal can be discussed beforehand.  She can teach you some strategies to employ at the hospital to open the dialogue about options in real time during dynamic scenarios. 

March 13

New Mama Support Circle

March 14

Full Moon Yoga Flow