Birth Tub rental


Birth tub rentals are available to both clients and non clients. First comes first serve with reservations.


Birth pools can be a wonderful and practical way to have a water birth, or a great addition to your comfort measures in labor.


Get the beautiful Earthside Birth Pool that everyone is wanting! It’s beautiful, practical, and keeps you in comfort in your own home.

water births

Birth pools can be a wonderful and practical way to have a water birth, or a great addition to your comfort measures in labor.
• Facilitates mobility and enables the birthing person to assume any position which is comfortable for labor and birth
• Speeds up labor
• Reduces blood pressure
• Gives the birthing person more feelings of control
• Provides significant pain relief
• Promotes relaxation
• Conserves their energy
• Reduces the need for drugs and interventions
• Gives the laboring person a private protected space
• Reduces perineal trauma and eliminates episiotomies
• Reduces cesarean section rates
• Is highly rated by those who have water birth – typically stating they would consider giving birth in water again
• Is highly rated by experienced providers
• Encourages an easier birth for the birthing person and a gentler welcome for baby”

Reported benefits of water labor and waterbirth as listed on

the details

You’ll get 1 Earthside White Birth Tub which has a stool inside, 4 handles, and a cup holder to keep mama in the most comfort during her labor. This tub measures (inflated): 65.5 in x 59 in x 27 in. and provides professional grade thickness: 0.5 mm to make this the most luxurious experience possible.

You’ll get a disposable lining (must use), their beautiful lotus floor liner, pump to fill the tub and a sub pump to empty tub, and a hose for filling/emptying. It’s everything you need for your at-home water birth!


$200 to rent the tub with all necessary extras accessories.

This is a pick up/drop off at Looma Studio in Long Beach, CA. There is a $50 delivery fee each way within a 30 mile radius.

Looma clients get free drop off/pick up and a $35 discount!

terms and conditions

The tub becomes available at 37 weeks of pregnancy and it needs to be returned after the birth, no later than two weeks after the EDD (expected day of delivery).

It is kindly requested that you return the tub shortly after the birth even if it is before the end of the rental period.

A refundable deposit of $75 is required. This deposit is due IN ADDITION to the tub rental fee and does not secure a rental reservation. It is retained to protect against damages or improper cleaning.

Additional Costs

Improper cleaning fee: $75 (cleaning instructions are provided – please follow closely
Late fee: $75/week
Damages/missing items fees: $100
Repair tub: approximately $200
Replace sump pump: approximately $60
Replace inflating pump: approximately $70


Why would I choose this?

You are looking for the support of a doula, but I am not local to you, your hospital is not open to doulas, or you prefer to have another person there as support on the day of but still want the professional guidance of a doula!

What if i’m not in southern California?

No problem! With this option, we make ourselves available to you 100% digitally, so you can be located anywhere in the USA and we can still be your digital doulas.

How early (or late) can I book this service?

Hiring us for your digital doula is best done when you know you want the service. The digital doula work is mostly designed to be done in the 3rd trimester. However, as you are getting our personal attention and 1 on 1 attention, there is a limited amount of spaces available per birth month.

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How you’ll feel

excited & confident for your birth