My Approach
It all begins with an inkling inside yourself. Whether you’re deeply connected to your intuition, or just starting to see it awaken, I want to help you find and grow the power within you when it comes to mamahood.
Dream it
Don’t worry about all those stories you’ve heard from your friends, your family, and online. They aren’t YOUR story. I want you to dream up YOUR story, and then go about the steps to get there. It isn’t about finding the right (or wrong) way to do it - it’s about finding YOUR way.
Build it
Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. Set your preferences, and then let them change. You’ll grow in the process of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum - it’s part of the journey. And it’s my hope that with community, education, and belief, you can thrive as mama.
A starting point for this story if hard to pin, because in hindsight, everything in life has lead me here….to building LOOMA Birth. But, for story’s sake, I began ‘this’ journey in 2014. It was the year I gave birth to my firstborn and became a working yoga teacher. That year held a lot for me. As a new mama, teaching yoga to fellow mamas was easy, natural, and so needed by everyone. I loved being able to help others connect with their body, feel better, and still have their LO around. Naturally, some mamas became pregnant again, and thus I started teaching Prenatal. The more I did it, the more I loved it.
My inner compass pulled me deeper to this birth world work with my second pregnancy and birth. I found strength, wisdom, and grace as I navigated birth again, and the running joke is that year - I gave birth to a baby and a business.
I dove head first into launching my business in 2017 - taking every training from DONA’s Birth Doula to completing my Registered Prenatal Yoga Instructor program. Over the course of the first 5 years, I operated my business as Grace and Gratitude Life - a testimony to how lucky I felt to find this calling. During that time, I grew from yoga instructor to birth doula, to postpartum doula, to placenta specialist, to childbirth educator, VBAC doula, hypno doula, to doula mentor, to prenatal yoga teacher trainer, a CEO, CFO, and so, so much as a person.
With all that growth, came, growth, and with it, the birth of LOOMA. The light within me shines with the LOVE I have of supporting others during their birthing time and transitioning into mamahood. I think birth as a magical space where the birthing person is a goddess of energy, love, and light and deserves the opportunity to be protected, supported, and nurtured.
Thank you for being here.
In grace and gratitude,
Trainings and Associations:
UCSD Lactation Education Councilor
Evidence Based Birth Emeritus
Certified VBAC Doula
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs – ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
— Harold T. Whitman